From Humble Beginnings
From its origins as a small, family-run electrical company in rural Utah, Any Hour Services has grown to be a market leader and is well respected in the industry.
1961Wyatt Hepworth’s grandfather creates Hepworth Electric.
1994Wyatt becomes co-owner with his father and grandfather.
1998Wyatt and Samantha become sole owners, making plans to grow the business, with Wyatt as CEO and Samantha as CFO.
2005Any Hour Electric is created with a focus on residential service while Hepworth Electric continues to service residential new construction. There are 60 employees with most of them working in new construction. Service earns $250K in revenue and new construction brings in $4 million.
2006Mike Wilson takes on many responsibilities: trainer, sales manager, marketer, service manager, office manager, call taker, dispatcher, and GM of service.
2009The decision to exit new construction and focus solely on residential service is made. Jeremy Hansen is promoted to GM. Any Hour Electric has 12 employees, 3 managers, and is doing under $2 million in revenue.
2010Plumbing and HVAC are added to the services menu and advertising begins for Any Hour Services – Electrical, Plumbing, Heating & Air.
2013By promoting managers from within, Any Hour grows to 60 employees, 7 managers.
2015Mike Wilson is promoted to CMO. With 90 employees and 10 managers, managers can now wear fewer hats and focus on fewer things simultaneously.
2016Jeremy is promoted to COO and Matt Hansen becomes Senior Vice President of the Drains, Sewer, and Excavation departments.
2017Management is restructured to support future growth plans. A second level of management is added to include managers who manage managers. There are now 175 employees and 20 managers.
2018Jeremy and Matt become partners in the business.
2020Samantha retires as CFO; Lincoln Walpole is promoted to CFO.
2021Any Hour Services does over $70 million in revenue. Now at 350 employees and 41 managers, all managers become partners in the business.
Jul, 2021The Any Hour Group is formed and begins partnering with the businesses that align with our culture and growth goals.
Dec, 2021Any Hour Services does over $70 million in revenue. Now at 350 employees and 41 managers, all managers become partners in the business.
2022The Any Hour Group has added 8 partnerships, and counting.
Historical Growth
$95M in residential services and replacements from a single location.

Would you like to come for a visit?
For years, Any Hour Services has opened their doors to anyone that wanted to come out for a visit and tour our facility – that has not changed. If you’d like to schedule a tour, click the button and Let’s Talk.